
Scientific Publications

Citations of my articles might be found at Google Scholar and Research Gate.

PhD Thesis

Uniform and localized corrosion modelling by means of probabilistic cellular automata

Cristian Perez Brokate

Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI 2016

Journal Articles

SWATTING Spambots: Real-time Detection of Malicious Bots on X

Cristian Brokate, Manon Richard, Lisa Giordani, Jean Liénard

WWW '24: Companion Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024 pp. 818-821 May 2024

Contribution of cellular automata to the understanding of corrosion phenomena

Mariem Zenkri, Dung di Caprio, Cristian Felipe Pérez-Brokate, Damien Féron, Jacques de Lamare

Condensed Matter Physics vol. 20 pp. 1-13 Oct. 2017

Probabilistic cellular automata model of generalized corrosion

Cristian Felipe Pérez-Brokate, Dung di Caprio, Damien Féron, Jacques de Lamare, Annie Chaussé

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology vol. 52 pp. 186-193 Aug. 2017

Pitting corrosion modelling by means of a stochastic cellular automata-based model

Cristian Felipe Pérez-Brokate, Dung di Caprio, Damien Féron, Jacques de Lamare, Annie Chaussé

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology vol. 52 pp. 1-6 Apr. 2017

Three dimensional discrete stochastic model of occluded corrosion cell

Cristian Felipe Pérez-Brokate, Dung di Caprio, Damien Féron, Jacques de Lamare, Annie Chaussé

Corrosion Science vol. 111 pp. 230–241 Oct. 2016

Cyclic voltammetry simulations with cellular automata

Cristian Felipe Pérez-Brokate, Dung di Caprio, Éric Mahé, Damien Féron, Jacques de Lamare

Journal of Computational Science vol. 11 pp. 269–278 Nov. 2015

Nanostructured bulk Mg + MgO composite synthesized through arc plasma evaporation and high pressure torsion for H-storage application

J. X. Zou, C. F. Pérez-Brokate, R. Arruffat, B. Bolle, J. J. Fundenberger, X. Q. Zeng, T. Grosdidier, and W. J. Ding

Materials Science and Engineering B vol. 183 pp. 1–5 Apr. 2014

Overview of Cellular Automaton Models for Corrosion

C. F. Pérez-Brokate, D. di Caprio, D. Féron, J. D. Lamare, and A. Chaussé

International Conference on Cellular Automata pp.187–196 2014

3D finite element thermomechanical modelling of the primary cooling for beam-blanks continuous casting

M. Bellet, C. F. Pérez-Brokate, P. Hubsch

8th European Continuous Casting Conference pp. 1220 2014

🎙️ Communications

  • 🇺🇸 AMD Advancing AI 2024, San Francisco, USA. Project presentation "Personalized Plant Care Information"
  • 🇸🇬 WWW 2024: The Web Conference, Singapore, Singapore. Poster "SWATTING Spambots: Real-time Detection of Malicious Bots on X"
  • 🇫🇷 EUROCORR 2016, Montpelier, France. Oral presentation in WP Nuclear Corrosion "Pitting corrosion modelling by means of a stochastic cellular automata based model"
  • 🇨🇦 CORROSION 2016 Vancouver, Canada. Oral presentation "Corrosion modeling using 3D probabilistic cellular automata based model"
  • 🇦🇹 EUROCORR 2015, Graz, Austria. Poster "Corrosion modelling by cellular automata"
  • 🇵🇱 ACRI 2014, Krakow, Poland. Oral presentation "Overview of cellular automaton models for corrosion"

⭐ Awards

AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest


Winner of the apply-for-hardware stage. Granted access to the AMD Instinct MI210 Accelerator through Cloud Access
and invited to AMD Advancing AI 2024 event in San Francisco.

Adaptive Computing Developer Contest


Apply for hardware stage. Each winner was awarded a developing Hardware ($1200 value).

Sigfox Universities Challenge


Each winner was awarded a Hardware + Mentorship ($200 value)

Best presentation award


The two best oral presentations of the Nuclear Corrosion session during EUROCORR 2016 in Montpellier.

Roberto Rocca Fellowship


Awarded to exceptional university graduates from developing countries to help fund studies towards the Ph.D. degree at a university outside his home country

Arts et Sciences.


Artistic contest related to science, organized by Doctoral association of Sorbonne University and UPMC.