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Static webpages are very popular these days, they are used to deploy showcase
websites that contains only html
and don’t need a backend server.
The lack of backend server simplifies a lot the infrastructure to deploy the website and now a days you can deploy for free these kinds of pages in places like github, gitlab, netlify and more.
This is what I have done to write this blog, which lead me to write more than 30 articles until know. Having a lot of information also implies a need to organised them, which I have done using categories and tags but it has been difficult to search for a particular article just by having the categories.
So I decided to add a search engine to my blog using Algolia API.
There are two ways to implement a search engine:
The advantage of using a frontend application to filter data is the fact that you don’t need a backend service, so it works well with static sites. However, if your data is heavy, it may decrease the web navigation performance. A popular example of search engine on client side is lunr.js.
The backend service is then a more robust solution that can scale with your data. Some examples of engines that can be used for backend search engines are Apache SolR or Elasticsearch.
I wanted to have the advantages of both of them, having an scalable, fast and light search solution, so I decided to use Algolia search engine.
Algolia offers a hosted search engine capable of delivering real-time results from the first keystroke. You can load data in text and numerical format, Algolia indexes data in a backend service. In addition Algolia also provides an API to query your data and obtain relevant results in under 100ms anywhere in the world.
You don’t have to worry about hosting an backend server and you can fetch data in the frontend in a fast and scalable way.
There are two ways to communicate with Algolia:
For the backend service, in a static website context, most applications provide utilities to push your records to Algolia using Hugo, Jekyll or Pelican.
In Jekyll, you can install the package jekyll-algolia by adding the following to your Gemfile
# Gemfile
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll-algolia', '~> 1.0'
Then download all the dependencies using bundle install
and push
information about your html files using the command bundle exec jekyll algolia
. This package sends the structured data from your html
like title, description, image, categories, tags, content, etc.
You can customize the information that you want to send in your _config.yml
file as stated in the jekyll-algolia documentation. For example, I exclude pages from my home page and drafts.
Even if pushing data to Algolia is very simple with the jekyll plugins, there is nothing like having a continuous integration service that do it automatically for you.
Since my blog is already in github, I chose Github Actions to leverage this action for me. I just have to create the following yaml
in the .github/workflows
# .github/workflows/jekyll-algolia.yml
on: [push]
name: Algolia push records
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Set up Ruby 2.6
uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: 2.6.x
- name: Install dependencies and push records
run: |
gem install bundler
bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3
bundle exec jekyll algolia
As you can see it this will install the dependencies and launch the command to push the data to Algolia. Please note that the ALGOLIA_API_KEY
needs to be defined in the github secrets.
Algolia offers multilingual implementation to query their API. I chose the vanilla instantsearch.js to adapt the elements with the bulma css that I use in my website.
In order to add a functional search bar I need to put an input
and hits
elements in the html page and add a javascript function to render them:
// Listen changes from input element
init: function(opts) {
const helper = opts.helper;
const input = document.querySelector('#searchBox');
input.addEventListener('input', function(e) {
helper.setQuery(e.currentTarget.value) // update the parameters
.search(); // launch the query
// Render results in hits element
render: function(opts) {
const results = opts.results;
// read the hits from the results and transform them into HTML.
document.querySelector('#hits').innerHTML = results.hits.map(function(h) {
let formattedTime = date_unix_str(h.date);
let external_tag = ('link' in h) ? `<span class="tag is-danger"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i></span>`: '' ;
let img_template = '';
if ('image' in h) {
img_template = `
<div class="card-image">
<figure class="image">
<a href="${('link' in h) ? h.link : h.url}">
<amp-img src="${h.image.path}" width="368" height="245" alt="${h.title}" layout="intrinsic"></amp-img>
return `
<div class="column is-one-third">
<div class="card">` + img_template + `
<div class="card-content">
<div class="media apretaito">
<div class="media-content">
<a href="${('link' in h) ? h.link : h.url}" ${('link' in h) ? "target=\"_blank\"" : ''} class="title is-4">${h.title}</a>
<div class="content apretaito">
<div class="tags has-addons">
<span class="tag">
<i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i> ${ formattedTime }
<span class="tag is-link">
${ h.categories.join(", ")}
</span>` + external_tag + `
The rest of the code can be found at the github page of my website. There, you can find some extra functionalities like pagination buttons.
Instantsearch.js queries the API at every key stroke, which gives the impression of having the results on real time. You can try it at cristianpb.github.io/blog.
Searching for content in my blog is now easy thanks to Algolia search engine and it’s free for the moment. I have a developer account which lets me save 10k records and do 50k indexing operations. Today I have 35 post entries, which results in 320 records ~= 3% of record utilisation. So I think I have plenty of time to use Algolia in my blog.
Github Actions automatically syncs records to Algolia at every push. Even if this can be done with other services like CircleCI or TravisCI, I prefer to keep all in one service.
One inconvenient that I have found is the fact that using instantsearch.js
breaks AMP compatibility because AMP doesn’t allow to have custom javascript code in the webpage. For information AMP standard are some Google norms that certifies that your page is optimized, you can find more information about AMP in one of my other articles.
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Good web reference is related with how fast your web page loads. Google works in a web format called AMP, which makes loading pages faster but also imposes some restrictions, like no external javascript. It's not simple to add API calls in AMP so this post shows how to implement a search fonctionality in a static page.
This posts shows how to include bulma css classes inside a jekyll website but keeping good performance from AMP websites