
Reverse proxy management with Traefik and GoAccess

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The micro services philosophy consists on dividing applications in simple components. This approach increases maintainability, since each application is not coupled with others, so it can be tested, replaced and deployed independently. This approach has become popular since the adoption of docker container technology.

A micro service project typically includes multiple docker containers, where each container includes a separated functionality.

These containers can communicate in a private network and map ports with the external network in order to expose services.

However, not every service includes a security layer, so it’s better to expose a single application that serves as a router which controls every incoming requests and send it to the right service. This avoid exposing a service like a whole database connection. Some applications that are able to act as a router are: Nginx, Apache server, Caddy and Traefik.

  • Apache server is the oldest one but it has been loosing followers since the arrival of Nginx.
  • Nginx is very popular and powerful web server, which can be adapted to multiple kind of situations.
  • Traefik is the new kid on the block. It has native docker support, so it means that you don’t have to define custom Nginx routing configurations, because it can connect directly to docker socket to automatically detect changes on containers.

In this article I will show how to setup traefik using file system configuration and also how to implement offline metric analysis using GoAccess tool.


Traefik is a reverse proxy, which routes incoming request to microservices. It has been conceived for environments with multiple microservices, where a main configuration is done to set-up Traefik, and then it dynamically detects new services comming from docker, kubernetes, rancher or a plain file system. More information about traefik automatic discovery is available here.

This automatic discovery behaviour was the main thing that attracted me to use Traefik, unlike Nginx, which refuse to start if a declared service is not available. Traefik on the other side, it can run even if a declared service won’t run, and if the docker starts it will be automatically detected by Traefik.

Traefik API

Trafik has a modern web interface to graphically inspect configuration. It shows information about:

  • the entrypoints, which are the ports that Traefik is listening ;
  • the running services and
  • the routing rules, which defined how to direct the incoming request.

Traefik interface can be easily enabled in the configuration file. The following lines tell Traefik to serve the interface in the Traefik entrypoint (8080 by default). The debug option is useful for profiling performance and debugging Traefik.

  insecure: true
  dashboard: true
  debug: true 

Here is a screen shot of the web interface, where one can see how one service is configured.

Traefik API web interface. Mopidy service is encrypted using TLS.

In the following gist you can find the complete configuration file for Traefik. The basic parameters to define are the entrypoints, where Traefik should be listening and the encryption method. The providers configuration can be done in other plain file, or by adding labels to docker, kubernetes, rancher, etc. In any case it dynamically detects changes on providers.

This configuration can be done in plain format if running outside a docker container, but it can also be done by setting labels to Traefik docker container.

Traefik security

By default Traefik will watch for all containers running on the Docker daemon, and attempt to automatically configure routes and services for each container. If you’d like to have more refined control, you can pass the --providers.docker.exposedByDefault=false option and selectively enable routing for your containers by adding a traefik.enable=true label.

Regarding HTTPS security, SSL connections can be easily configured in Traefik, one can use a self signed certificate or connect automatically to Let’s Encrypt in order to get an SSL certificate. The renewal is also taken into account by Traefik. HTTPS redirection is also available into Traefik parameters.

Traefik as a service

Traefik has been conceived to run as a docker container, but since it’s written in GO, then it’s possible to run the compiled version as a standalone file in several operating systems.

In the docker version, Traefik runs automatically when the container is power on and the logs are scoped to the standard output. However if you run the standalone file, then you have to configure Traefik as a system service. I used the excellent information from this Gerald Pape gist to configure the Traefik service.

I prefer the standalone version in development environments like the raspberry pi or jetson nano, where building docker images can be a little long.

GoAccess to monitor logs

GoAccess is a simple tool to analyse logs. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators that require a visual server report on the fly. It can generate reports in terminal format, which is nice if your are connecting on SSH, but it can also generate CSV, JSON or HTML reports.

Alternatives for this services are Matomo, which has the advantage of being self hostable and open source. Then you can be sure about how your colected data is being used and that is not being sold to 3rd parties and advertisers. However, Matomo has an extra client side javascript library which is required in order to parse data, which is another dependency that I don’t want for internal off-line environments.

Other popular alternative is Google Analytics, which has very powerful reports and multiple of options that go beyond the scope of this article. The only problem is that it’s not privacy compliant.

What makes GoAccess interesting, is that it generates detailed analytics based purely on access logs from a web server, such as Apache, Nginx or in my case Traefik. It’s written in C, and features both a terminal interface, as well as a web interface. The way it’s designed to be used is by piping the access.log contents into the GoAccess binary and providing any number of switches to customize the output. Switches such as which log format you’re sending it, as well as how to parse Geolocation from IP addresses.

In the following image you can see an example for GoAccess HTML dashboard. On the top there is global information about the number of total requests, the number of unique visitors, the log size, the bandwidth, etc.

GoAccess HTML dashboard

Real-time dashboard

GoAccess can be called using the command line, you can configure log format using a command line parameter or using a configuration file. Default configuration file can be found at /etc/goaccess.conf, but you can also pass other configuration file using --config-file option.

Default output format is in the command line, but one can configure an html using a specific output file. This option will create a static html report, which can be continuously updated using the --real-time-html option.

The following code shows the systemctl file that I use to configure GoAccess as a service for real time use.

Description=Goaccess Web log report.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/goaccess -a -g -f /var/log/traefik/access.log -o /var/www/html/report.html --real-time-html


GoAccess doesn’t include a static web server, so it can not expose the produced html by himself. But one can easily configure an Nginx static server to expose the static files, as show in the following Nginx virtual server:

server {
    listen 8082;
    listen [::]:8082;
    server_name  locahost;

    gzip on;
    gzip_types      text/plain application/xml image/jpeg;
    gzip_proxied    no-cache no-store private expired auth;
    gzip_min_length 1000;

    root /var/www/html;

    # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
    index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

    location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ =404;


Traefik is a static webserver which is well adapted for dynamic configurations. Even if still a young project and is not as performant as Nginx, it has an interesting approach and some nice features. For example in docker applications, it automatically knows the internal IP address of a service to redirect the incoming request.

GoAccess is a very good tool to provide insights from logs in a close environment where you can not share your stats with the exterior. Since it has been written in C, the reading performances are very good, being able to parse 400 millions of hits in 1 hour and 20 minutes, according to GoAccess FAQ.

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