
Welcome to Jekyll!

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This is my first post using jekyll. I started to use it because I really like the idea of writing my own website in markdown language, with my favorite text editor and using git to control the version of my files. The result is a simple and fast static (though javascript-powered) website on a free server. In addition, I don’t have to log in to a (comparatively) slower, web browser based interface like Wordpress.

I started playing up with jekyll in local using the minima theme with the following commands:

$ gem install jekyll bundler
$ jekyll new my-awesome-site

I can build the site by running jekyll serve inside my site directory. This command launches a web server and auto-generate the site when a file is updated. I can easily add a new post by putting a file in the _posts directory, following the date convention (YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext).

To customize the default structure and style, I copied the files that define the theme. They can by found with the command bundle show minima. Then, I can modify the footer of my page with the file _includes/footer.html, add new icons and accounts.

Google analytics

I can also use Google analytics to track the traffic of my website (They are watching us!). Login to Google Analytics and create a new property to receive a Tracking ID for your website. You will find your Universal Analytics tracking code under Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code.

Now you need to reference your Tracking ID in your _config.yml file. Replace UA—XXXXXXXX-X with your own unique Tracking ID:

# Google services
google_analytics: UA—XXXXXXXX-X

Disqus commments

Finally I can add comments inside the blog using disqus comment system. I create an account at disqus and then I can obtain a disqus_shorname. Remember to add your site to the trusted domains feature in your settings.

Then I open config.yml and add the following code. Remember to change my_disqus_shortname to your own Disqus shortname.

# Disqus Comments
    # Leave shortname blank to disable comments site-wide.
    # Disable comments for any post by adding `comments: false` to that post's YAML Front Matter.
    shortname: my_disqus_shortname

Comments and analytics are not enable by default in local because it is a development environment. They are only available in production environment. To run Jekyll in production environment use the following command to view your site.

JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll serve

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.


I started using Emping theme. It offers a more aesthetic design and also includes Amp Page implementation to improve charging time, Pagination for the blog, a nice 404 Error Page, SEO Gems and the Share Button with different social networks.

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